Unification 2022: Running updates
Posted June 13, 2022, 4:27 PM
Updated November 29, 2023, 11:11 AM
Fall 2022 Improvement Suggestions
Teaching or learning in a new or improved shop, studio, or classroom? Do you have suggestions or requests? Send your request to fall2022-needs@cca.edu. They will be vetted, prioritized, and we will get back to you!
Quick updates from the facilities and operations team:
As we move into the summer of 2022 and prepare for the fall, updates on unification will be fast and frequent. Watch this space for quick updates about progress on our once-in-a-century move from Oakland to San Francisco, and to celebrate the hard work of the many talented and dedicated staff and faculty who have made this all possible.
October 11, 2022: Our Modular classrooms have been delayed due to City of San Francisco permitting issues. We are hoping to hear good news from them this week so we can resume our work on these. This means until further notice, the classes that were displaced will not be able to move into those spaces. Details will follow as soon as we know more.
August 31, 2022: Welcome back to a unified CCA! Please note that the final testing of Ceramics’ gas powered Blaauw kiln will need to occur on September 8th and 9th. It will be periodically loud and potentially disruptive to classes in the Nave as it is tested across all stages of firing. Moving forward, the kiln firing schedule will be primarily limited to nighttime and weekends so as to minimize further disruption. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience the testing may cause.
Thursday, August 4: JMA is moving into its new home in the old SF A2 Cafe! Equipment was staged in the Nave and after cleaning, painting, adjusting lighting and bringing the new gas line in, they are now transitioning the equipment. Note here a slab of the Oakland Sequoia that had to come down is going to be used now in JMA. - mh
Tuesday, August 2: I visited with Meri, Tori and team at Rayko today. It took me about 25 minutes to walk it. I think if I did it every day, I would use one of the City Bikes. The space is really starting to shape up! You can see how much there is to do to set up the Printmedia and Photo programs, but the team is doing a wonderful job and keeping their eyes on the prize for the Fall semester! Check out these photos. - mh
Monday, July 18: The front entrance of the main building has been relocated from 1111 8th Street to 450 Irwin Street (formerly shipping and receiving). This will accommodate the JMA shop's move to the Makers Courtyard, which was previously the main entrance.
Wednesday, June 29: New JMA containers being staged in the 80 Carolina parking lot while they await heading to their new home in the Makers Courtyard outside of the old A2 cafe (soon to be the JMA Shop!) -mh
Friday, June 10: Locked Shredders now in 80 Carolina! The top floor has one in the Mail Room (where the printer is) and downstairs is the main lobby. Shred safely to your heart's desire!! -mh
Thursday, June 9: Textiles moved into their new home on 350 Kansas this week! Everything is still getting sorted and arranged by Studio Operations, but it's great to have one significant lift done! -mh
Double Ground Web Cam
Watch the action on the Double Ground work site as we move through site prep an onward into construction. This is a live public feed. Feel free to share!!

Construction Photos
Take a quick peek at all the work that's underway across campus.

Updated Floorplans
See what will land where.

Academic program locations
See a full list of academmic program locations.

Unification Presentation PDFs
All-Chair Summer Updates
Through the summer of 2022 the Campus Unification Working Group has been providing monthly updates to all program chairs.
Frequently Asked Questions
We've collected a few of our FAQs below. Is there something you think we should add? Please use the email below to let us know.
Moving boxes and Supplies |
Moving boxes and supplies are being delivered and re-stocked by facilities at various locations around both campuses. If you are unable to find boxes, or need more please submit a work request to facilities.cca.edu. |
What if I need different sized boxes or other materials? |
Please work with your area manager to create a list of materials. Move area managers can coordinate purchase or delivery with Facilities. |
Labeling |
It will be important to correctly label boxes to ensure they arrive at the correct location and are handled appropriately. Not all boxes must be labeled. Like items may be grouped together with a single sticker/label attached a top. |
Disposal |
Items marked for disposal items will go to the appropriate waste stream (Ex. hazmat, recycling, waste, donations, etc.) Consideration will be given to rehoming, and reusing items when feasible, however we can’t bring everything and appreciate your understanding. |
Questions about the move? Email facilities@cca.edu. To submit a maintenance request, visit facilities.cca.edu.