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Data Stewards

Last updated on Jan 15, 2025

A data steward is responsible for maintaining the integrity of a data set within a functional area by adhering to and communicating established guidelines or business rules for data input, updating, and maintenance. They are charged with keeping the guidelines relevant and appropriate to the specifics of the most current database version as well as institutional best practices. There should be one data steward per functional area.

Responsibilities include:

  • Maintain the official functional definitions for data elements within their functional area in the data dictionary.
  • Inform and implement data management policies and practices in accordance with data governance key principles, and in collaboration with the other data stewards at CCA.
  • Collaborative with other data stewards at CCA to develop and share best practices, and foster a collaborative environment for resolving data-related concerns.
  • Support data contributors and data consumers in accessing and utilizing data from their dataset in a manner that is consistent with the established guidelines.
  • Identify data-related issues that should be addressed by the Data Stewards group or Senior Cabinet.

Data Stewards Roster

  • Blair Baker, Facilities and Public Safety Records
  • Samantha Dancel, Enrollment, Student Records, Financial Aid and Auxiliary Services Records
  • TBD, Student Data/FERPA Officer
  • Annemarie Haar, Library Records
  • TBD, Donor and Alumni Records
  • TBD, Employee Records
  • Em Meine, Faculty Records
  • Jose de los Reyes, Institutional Metrics
  • David Murray, Student Admissions & Enrollment Records
  • Ayana Richardson, Curriculum
  • TBD, Financial Records

Other Data Management Roles

In addition to the data stewards, Technology Services plays a key role in supporting data governance and and implementing data management operations in accordance with the policies and practices agreed to by the Data Stewards. The key staff in Tech Services involved in data governance are:

  • Michelle Ziegmann

In addition to the data stewards, Senior Cabinet plays a leadership role in data governance, setting direction, strategy, and resolving any data governance conflicts as they arise.