Institutional Research
Please note that some of the resources below contain sensitive data and won't be available publicly. If you need access to specific datasets, please fill out the Data Request Form.
Data Hub and Resources

Interactive Dashboards
View specific datasets such as enrollments, admissions, and degrees

IPEDS Reports
Required reporting for institutions participating in federal fin aid programs

Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities

WASC Key Indicators Dashboard
Western Association of Schools and Colleges Data Tool

AICAD Dashboards
Institutional data compiled across AICAD schools
Surveys and Reports

Internal Surveys
Survey data collected by CCA

External Surveys
Survey data from other groups, like SNAAP, HEDS, and NSSE

Survey Policy
CCA policy for survey collection and data disclosure and retention
About Institutional Research
Institutional Research provides official, accurate, and timely information and analysis to support the planning, research, reporting, and decision-making activities of the California College of the Arts. The office coordinates these services in an objective and systematic manner to support the college mission.
- Jose de los Reyes, Associate Director of Institutional Research