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Media Release Guidelines

Last updated on Aug 30, 2024

At CCA, we believe members of our community should have agency over the use of their likeness, voice, and artwork in media and materials documenting or promoting the college and its activities. As such, we endeavor to provide transparency about our photography and videography practices, and to obtain specific permission and informed consent from individuals that goes beyond what is legally required.

Whether you’re taking photographs at an event, interviewing a student, documenting your project’s process, or sharing artwork online, you should first obtain permission from your participants or subjects. We recommend that your participants sign a release granting their consent. Informed consent means the individual knows and understands what they are agreeing to and their likeness or images may be used by CCA on various communication channels.

Please be particularly clear when recording media that may be used for advertising or fundraising purposes, or that may appear in highly public settings.


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