2024 Sculpture Magazine Student Award Info Session
Fri, Mar 8 2024, 3PM - 4PM
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Part of event series: Fine Arts Division // Spring 2024 // Opportunities for Connection

Organized by
CCA Sculpture, hosted by ISC (International Sculpture Center)
Event description
Each year, the International Sculpture Center (ISC) presents an award competition to recognize the excellent work of student sculptors. The Student Award winners will have their work featured in their Sculpture magazine and be potentially included in their Fall/Winter Exhibition!! There are two steps in the award process. First you apply for our nomination, then after CCA selects you as a nominee, you will apply directly for the ISC’s student award, representing our school. This announcement is for the nomination process by CCA. Don’t hesitate to apply for nomination!!
DEADLINE: CCA Students’ Application for Nomination by Friday March 29, 2024.
Entry details
All CCA enrolled students working towards a BA, BFA, or MFA are eligible.