CCA Polling Location
Tue, Nov 3 2020, 7AM - 8PM
Campus Center Student Lounge | 1111 Eighth Street, San Francisco, California, 94107 View map
Part of event series: Creative Citizens Series Fall 2020–Spring 2021

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Event description
The San Francisco Department of Elections will mail vote-by-mail ballots to all registered voters for the November 3, 2020, Consolidated General Election. The Department will also provide in-person voting services at 588 polling places, including on CCA’s San Francisco Campus!
All poll workers and support teams will be complying with SF Public Department of Health orders throughout the day. Please wear a face covering to the polling place so you can protect public health. A greeter station at the entrance will offer hand sanitizer, gloves, and facemasks to all voters and poll workers before entering the voting area.
Poll workers will set up each polling place to maintain 6-foot distances between tables, voting booths, and voting equipment. All elections workers will regularly clean check-in stations, ballot-marking pens, voting booths, voting equipment, and other high touch areas.
A drop off ballot box will be located at the entrance to alleviate congestion inside the polling place. Any voter may request to vote “curbside” at any polling place by calling (415) 554-4375 or by asking a companion to enter the polling place to request delivery of voting materials to the voter outside.
If your registration record doesn’t include identification information or if you are participating for the first time in a federal election, you may be asked to provide a form of photo or residence identification so please bring that with you.
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Entry details
CCA@CCA is committed to providing universal access to our events. Please contact to request disability accommodations.