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Last updated on Jun 29, 2018

Consider how long your content might be. When you have a lot of text-based information to share, absolutely make sure that you’re breaking up your paragraphs. Additionally, also consider adding subheadings to your paragraphs, where applicable.

What's the point?

This serves multiple requirements: first of all, it improves retention and comprehension.

Readers have a tendency to want to ignore large blocks of text (a.k.a the dreaded “wall o’ text” problem). To combat that, break your text (and perhaps even your thoughts) down into smaller, more easily chewable pieces.

Second, it serves as an index for people who are returning to find information they had read before. It’s easier to find it if it’s properly broken up, and it’s made even more simple if it’s highlighted by descriptive subheadings.

But what does that look like?

Take this entire Style Guide as an example! Note that there’s a page title set in large font and smaller subheadings, each properly introducing the following section.

Or if you need a further example, think about every time your not-internet-savvy friend or family member shared an article based on the headline alone. Yes, it’s a bad thing for them to do, but it also goes to show you that folks are just looking for the shortest, quickest explanation to things.

Why are these subheadings capitalized differently?

As an additional note: check out the way the subheadings in this section are capitalized. This is what we call “sentence case,” and it’s the prescribed style for subheadings (not page titles) in your Portal content.