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Media Center User Agreement

Last updated on Aug 22, 2024

Access Guidelines

User Agreement Form

You are responsible for the equipment you check out from the Media Centers. Never leave items unattended or in the trunk of a car. You will be charged a replacement fee for items stolen while left unattended or in the trunk of a car.

Equipment is due one week after checkout. Laptops are due before we close and are loaned for a maximum of 4 hours; they do not go out overnight.

Please email: with any questions about our services.

Who is eligible to use our services?

  • Students who are currently enrolled in classes at CCA, as well as current faculty and staff, may reserve and check out equipment.
  • You must provide a current CCA ID and have read and agreed to this Media Center User Agreement to check out equipment. The agreement is also available on the Portal or in print upon request.
  • We do not accept driver’s licenses or credit cards for equipment checkout.
  • First priority for equipment and services is given to students.
  • Remaining resources are available by approval and on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please keep your Media Center account updated with your current phone number by updating it in Workday.

Equipment Guidelines

  • You are expected to have a working knowledge of the operation and care of the equipment you check out. If you are unfamiliar with the equipment, please ask for resources.
  • Before you leave the Media Center, check that the equipment is in working order and that all components are in the kit.
  • Inform the staff of any irregularities before you leave. Once you leave the Media Center, you are immediately responsible for the equipment checked out to you.
  • insurance vendors or their products.
  • You must wait until your equipment is returned before exiting the Media Center to ensure that all items have been returned and are in working condition. Items left on the counter can be at risk of damage, loss, or theft. Equipment is your financial responsibility until all items are officially returned by Media Center staff.
  • Only one resource type can be checked out at a time (e.g., 1 camera, 1 lens, 1 tripod).
  • Do not leave equipment unattended or in a car due to potential damage from heat, weather, and the high potential for theft.
  • Do not take equipment to the beach or expose it to sand, water, or extreme heat/cold.
  • Due to space limitations and turnaround times, we cannot guarantee that batteries will be charged when you pick up equipment.
  • You are responsible for returning all equipment with fully charged batteries and complete with kit accessories to ensure the equipment is in working order for the next patron.
  • We will not accept returns on kits or items with missing components, such as tripods without mounting plates. You will be asked to return the equipment when it is complete. Delays may result in a late fee.
  • Equipment that requires batteries (AA, AAA, 9V) may not always be included. Please check.
  • Turn off the power when equipment is not in use. Plug in your equipment and save battery power whenever possible.
  • To prevent damage, please remove batteries from the battery compartment before you return the equipment.
  • Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a fine or abuse fee per item.

Note: Equipment can be a target for theft. Take precautions to stay safe when working after dark, in small groups, or alone. Always be aware of your surroundings. You are responsible for the equipment you check out from the Media Centers. Never leave items unattended or in the trunk of a car. You will be charged a replacement fee for items stolen while left unattended or in the trunk of a car.

Loss/Theft/ Damage

  • You are financially responsible for all equipment checked out to you, including lost, stolen, or damaged items. If equipment is stolen, a hold will be placed on your account until the financial obligation is fulfilled.
  • Lost or stolen equipment will result in a replacement fee equaling the cost of the item's current replacement value, as determined by staff.
  • Damaged equipment will either be charged a replacement fee equaling the cost of the itemʼs current replacement value, as determined by staff, or the cost of the repair (if feasible), whichever is less.
  • Damaged equipment must be returned to be assessed for replacement or repair value. CCA retains all damaged equipment.

Insurance Statement

Equipment and other resources provided by CCA are not insured against loss, theft, or damage. We strongly urge all families to check their homeowners' or renters' insurance policies to verify coverage and consider obtaining personal property coverage if it is not included. Wells Fargo Insurance Services has teamed up with Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. to offer students personal property coverage. For more information, visit Please note that CCA is not affiliated with individual


  • We recommend making reservations at least one week in advance. You may reserve equipment up to two weeks in advance.
  • You may only check out one resource of each type. (Please don’t monopolize equipment!)
  • In consideration of others, please let us know if you cannot pick up your reserved equipment. Habitually missed reservations may result in the loss of your Media Center privileges. Reservations expire 2 hours after the scheduled pick-up time or when we close, whichever comes first.
  • Reservations are not guaranteed, as the reserved equipment is subject to potential issues such as damage or late return by a previous user.
  • Reservation pickup times may vary depending on open hours and previous patrons' return of the equipment.
  • Equipment must be returned by the confirmed return time on the due date.
  • Equipment can be renewed twice for an additional week. If the equipment is already reserved by another patron, another similar item may be substituted if possible. Patrons who repeatedly attempt to renew equipment beyond the allowed limit may be assessed a fine or have a hold placed on their account.
  • The optional one-week renewal is not guaranteed. Some items may not be renewable due to limited inventory.
  • Renewals cannot be applied at the time of checkout. You cannot request a 2-week checkout at the time of equipment pickup. Renewals can be requested 2 or 1 day(s) before the due date via email, phone, or in-person. If the center is closed at the time of your request, the renewal is not confirmed until you hear back from Media Center staff.
  • If you have returned equipment after 3 weeks (1-week checkout, 2-week renewal), you cannot renew or immediately check out that same equipment or another equivalent of that type. There is a required waiting period of 2 business days before checking out or reserving the same or equivalent equipment.
  • Please do not attempt to abuse our policies to check out or reserve equipment for an entire semester. Our inventory is available to the entire college as a short-term loan. Anything required for the entire semester will need to be sourced outside of the Media Center.
  • All Media Center equipment must be returned by the end of each semester.
  • Failure to return Media Center equipment will result in a hold being placed on your account until the equipment is returned.

Exceptions to the circulation policy:

  • Laptops and equipment on carts are for on-campus use, for class duration, and must be returned on the same day, immediately after class. Checkouts of these items will be for a 4-hour period or less based on Media Center open hours unless otherwise arranged. These items are not available overnight. They cannot be taken off-campus.
  • Faculty, please reserve in-class equipment two weeks before your class date. You may make a recurring reservation for your class for the entire semester with a Media Center staff member. Please indicate the classroom, time, your name, and phone number. Your reservation is not guaranteed unless confirmed.
  • In-class 4D equipment must be checked out no more than 45 minutes before class and returned immediately after class.
  • In-class equipment must be checked out by 4D faculty only. Students cannot take home in-class 4D equipment.

Loss of Reservations:
Reserved equipment that has not been picked up will expire after 2 hours.


School equipment and resources are not insured against loss, theft or damage by CCA.

  • Equipment returned late by students, staff, and faculty will result in a late fee.
  • Payments must be made through Student Accounts. When paying through Student Accounts, you must first obtain a copy of your invoice or payment link from the Media Center. Your fine is not removed until you have shown receipt of payment. (Please inquire for further fine procedures.)
  • Late fees range from $2-$10 per day per checkout—Saturday and Sunday included.
  • If you have unpaid fines, you cannot make reservations or check out equipment.
  • Loss of checkout privileges may result for patrons who are habitually late or who lose equipment.
  • Lost or stolen equipment will result in a replacement fee equal to the item’s current replacement value, as determined by the Media Center Manager.
  • Abuse or negligence of this agreement may result in additional fees. A $20 abuse fine and/or a probation period for checkout can occur. Additional offenses may result in the permanent loss of privileges.
  • Unpaid fees will result in the loss of checkout privileges.

A/V Support

CLASSROOM SUPPORT: Faculty requiring regular access to classroom A/V systems must arrange access and training with Media Center staff prior to the start of your class.

  • To avoid class delays, please arrive at your classroom at least 15-30 minutes before class time to ensure the A/V system is working properly and to allow for possible troubleshooting by Media Center staff.
  • Only Media Center-trained individuals may operate the projection booth in Timken Hall.
  • To reserve classrooms, meeting rooms, or lecture halls, please check CourseDog.
  • Request services and equipment at least a week in advance. Equipment is not reserved unless you receive confirmation.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for reasons deemed appropriate.

WARNING: Equipment can be a theft risk. Always be aware and take precautions to stay safe when expensive equipment is in your possession. If you have been a victim of theft, always make a police report and inform CCA public safety as well as the Media Center Manager. You are responsible for the equipment you check out from the Media Centers. Never leave items unattended or in the trunk of a car. You will be charged a replacement fee for items stolen while left unattended or in the trunk of a car.

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