User Account Policy
Policy Statement
User Account Privileges & Responsibilities
Protection of Account Information
Under no circumstances should an account holder share or disclose their login and password to anyone else, including other departmental staff, faculty, or students. Technology Services will never ask an account holder for their username and password.
If you receive an email message claiming to be from Technology Services asking for this or any other confidential information, do not respond.
Giving out your password will compromise your account, leaving CCA vulnerable to many serious liabilities. Any account that has been compromised in this manner will have its password immediately locked without warning. To re-enable their accounts the users will have to contact the CCA Help Desk and verify their identity.
One Account Per Person
An individual may have only a single CCA account, with the following exceptions:
- Alumni with a CCA account who become an employee will receive a separate CCA account for employee use only, retaining their alumni account for alumni purposes only.
- Consistent with Separation of Duties in the Information Security policy, Technical staff with broad administrative access to systems, such that they have access to modify or grant access to other users, will use a separate account for administrative tasks vs daily activities.
Confidential Student Information & Legal Requirements
Any account holder with access to student information will make themselves aware of, and comply with, all State and Federal laws regarding student information (e.g., FERPA).
Monitoring of Electronic Communication
CCA holds as core values the principles of academic freedom and free expression. In consideration of these principles, CCA will not monitor the content of electronic communications of its employees in most instances, nor will it examine the content of employee electronic communications or other employee electronic files stored on its systems except under certain circumstances. In this context, "electronic communications" includes telephone communications, Internet usage, phone messages, e-mail, and files or data traversing the college's network and systems platforms.
No user should have any expectation of privacy in any message, file, image, or data created, sent, retrieved, or received by use of the college's equipment and/or access. CCA has the right to monitor any and all aspects of CCA owned systems and to do so at any time, without notice, and without the user's permission. The policy applies to all CCA employees, faculty, and students.
Examples of when monitoring and/or review may occur include, but are not limited to, the following circumstances:
- Communications or files targeted by orders of a court of law or requested in accord with the Federal Freedom of Information Act.
- Supervisor and/or internal audit review of college telephone system long-distance call records.
- Electronic communications or files that have been inadvertently exposed to technical staff that are operating in good faith to resolve technical problems or security concern. When technical staff inadvertently see or hear potentially illegal content in communications or files, they are required to report what they have seen or heard to appropriate authorities. Otherwise, the college expects technical staff to treat inadvertently encountered electronic communications and files of college employees as confidential and not subject to disclosure to anyone.
- Routine administrative functions, such as security tests of computing systems, including password testing by system administrators to identify guessable passwords, and investigations of attempted access into systems by unauthorized persons (system administrators and other technical staff will not access employees' electronic communications or files while performing these functions).
- For security purposes Tech Services may scan documents to ensure that private information is not unduly compromised.
- Situations such as the following two examples will be specifically reviewed by and approved by the Vice President of Human Resources.
- an investigation into allegations of violations of law or policy
- an urgent need for access to college business documents when an employee is unavailable
More specialized services offered by Tech Services, such as the administrative system (Workday), and the Library catalog may have their own more specific policies regarding issuance, use, privacy and expiration of accounts which should take precedence over these more general policies.
Accounts for students, staff, and faculty are generated only after all contract, hiring, or admissions processes are completed in Workday, the College’s employee and student information management system.
Anyone using CCA's technology resources must comply with CCA's Acceptable Use Policy.
User Account Creation
Usernames are selected by the user at the time the account is created. The account creation system usually makes suggestions such as a combination of the first letter of the first name and the last name, but the user has the ability to select the option of their choice.
New Student Account Activation
After paying a tuition deposit student accounts are ready for activation using the student account activation feature at This account provides students with access to most CCA systems, including Google Workspace, Workday, printing, Webcheckout, CCA wireless networks, Moodle Course Management and other technology resources.
Extended Education Student Accounts
Pre-College students are able to create a CCA account for use when participating in the program.
We do not currently offer accounts for other Youth Programs and Continuing Education students.
New Staff or Faculty Account Activation
Staff and Faculty accounts are available after the hire process is completed in Workday. The staff member will receive an email with instructions to create their CCA account.
Alumni Account Activation
Alumni accounts allow Alumni to continue to use their CCA user account indefinitely, a benefit of membership in the Alumni Association. This account grants access to certain services and systems that remain available to alumni.
Information about activating an alumni account can be found on the Alumni Association’s Member & Benefits page.
Alumni account users must use these services in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and policies. Users are strongly requested to refrain from using the service for commercial, political, or business use such as selling products. Any use which does not respect the image and reputation of California College of the Arts is improper and may result in termination of user privileges.
Contractor / Consultant Account Activation
Contractor and Consultant access is covered in the Third Party / Contractor Access Policy.
Departmental Email Accounts
In some cases, a departmental email account is needed to provide a single point of contact to multiple team members, e.g. These accounts can only be created by Technology Services through the Help Desk. Direct access to log into these accounts is prohibited. Access to view and manage email in these accounts is provided through delegation.
User Account Expiry and Deletion
Account Access is automatically disabled when the employee is terminated in Workday, assuming they do not have active status as another type of user (e.g. active student).
If access for the terminated employee should be removed immediately, please contact the Help Desk.
Accounts for Faculty will remain active as long as they remain active employees in Workday, as determined by Academic Affairs policy. Upon termination in Workday, the faculty's CCA account will be automatically inactivated the following day.
Once an employee account is disabled, any data that the student has in their Google Workspace account is subject to the Google Workspace Data Retention Policy.
For students who become inactive, unless they qualify for alumni status (see below), their accounts will disabled 3 months after the date of withdrawal or dismissal.
If requested by Student Records or the Dean of Students, dismissed or suspended students may have their accounts disabled immediately.
Students who successfully completed at least two semesters, and who leaves CCA in good academic and disciplinary standing, will be able to continue to use their CCA account to access campus resources included in the Alumni Association Membership Benefits.
Alumni will lose access to their email address and all data saved in the associated Google Workspace account 1 year from the time of degree conferral.
Access to Workday is retained for 1 year after graduation, to enable alumni to generate unofficial transcripts.
Policy Stewards
Mara Hancock
Chief Information Officer/Chief Operations Officer, Office of the CIO