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Field Trips, Off Campus Activities, and Student Travel Guidelines

Last updated on Sep 19, 2024

Field Trips and Off Campus Activities

If faculty are taking students on a field trip as part of the normal course expectations for a class students are currently enrolled in, the Off-Campus Activity Authorization form is not required. If faculty will use their own vehicle to transport students, the Vehicle Use and Assumption of Risk and Release form is required. These trips may occur outside of a class' regular meeting time.

The Off Campus Activity Authorization Form is required for any voluntary trips unrelated to specific course requirements. Please download and complete both pages of the form and submit it to Academic Affairs no less than two days prior to the planned event (see below). If faculty will use their own vehicle to transport students, the Vehicle Use and Assumption of Risk and Release form is also required.

Completed forms can be submitted via email to

Accessibility Considerations for Field Trips

The Access/Disability Services Team has provided the following information for you to review and consider when planning your field trip, including available accommodations and alternative assignments. For additional questions, please feel free to contact

Additional Guidelines for Field Trips

Required field trips that are part of the learning outcomes and objectives of a course should be clearly documented in the course syllabus and reviewed during the first day of class.

Please note that we do not process reimbursements for students. All expenses associated with a class as it relates to a field trip that is not included in the syllabus will need to be covered by the academic program or division. Students should be aware of any potential fees and costs associated with the course prior to or at the time of registration. These should be covered by the instructor and reimbursed via the Workday expense reporting process. Students should not incur any out of pocket expenses for the following, unless they have made the choice themselves to do so. These are not reimbursable:

  • Entry and parking fees
  • Transportation
  • Lodging
  • Mileage
  • Meals


  • Local sites within the San Francisco area are covered by the student CCA Pass
  • If providing transportation, we recommend arranging UBER or LYFT for large groups with CCA's account or another shuttle service for those sites located outside of the immediate area

Travel Time

Please be mindful of students' time for the trip. Consider whether it's appropriate to expect students to attend the entire scheduled course duration (sometimes 6 hours) or if part of this time can be allocated for travel.

Clearly communicate your expectations and plans in advance.

  • For example, if the course meets from 12 pm - 3 pm, have the group meet at the destination at 12:30 pm
  • Remember, some students may have classes or other responsibilities before and after your course
  • Offering some course time for travel is courteous and greatly appreciated


To ensure that all students have equitable access to educational opportunities, faculty should be prepared to offer alternative makeup options for required travel assignments.

  • Students may miss these assignments for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to childcare responsibilities, sickness, disability-related reasons, or other extenuating circumstances
  • See Alternative Assignments for additional guidance or contact for more support

Field Trip Funding

Please note that whether the field trip funding is from either funding source, students are not to pay for any expenses out of pocket that would require reimbursement.

Wattis and Exhibitions Visits

The CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art and the CCA Exhibitions Program each offer rich opportunities for curricular engagement within the CCA campus community. Each is just a short walk from 1111 Eighth St., and visits are not considered to be off-campus activities.

To schedule a visit with a class to an exhibition at the Wattis Institute, faculty can fill out this form. In advance of the visit, Wattis staff will send information about the current exhibition and discussion prompts faculty may wish to use as they prepare to tie the visit in with curriculum.

Information about tours and groups visits with the CCA Exhibitions Program can be found here.

Frequently Requested Bay Area Field Trip Venues

CCA Faculty if you are requesting a field trip for one of the listed venues below, you can find the process for procuring tickets here: Acquiring Class Tickets

  • Angel Island State Park / Angel Island Immigration Station
  • Asian Art Museum
  • Audium
  • Center for the Book
  • Contemporary Jewish Museum
  • de Young & Legion of Honor
  • Exploratorium
  • Headlands Center for the Arts
  • Letterform Archive
  • Museum of the African Diaspora
  • Oakland Museum of California
  • Prelinger LIbrary
  • SFMoMA
  • Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

Student Travel Guidelines

CCA Student Travel Policy

CCA offers unique, faculty-designed and led summer study abroad academic travel programs. These summer travel courses are administered by the Youth Programming and Continuing Education division of the college.

Student travel during the academic year is defined as any overnight and/or visit out of the State of California for any period of time and can only occur after a submitted proposal has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate Academic Program Chair, Dean and the Provost Office. Any course or program that includes this type of travel component, whether required or optional, for their students must adhere to all proposal and policy guidelines by the deadlines stated. Any exceptions must be approved by the Provost Office.

Required Student Travel details and requirements to participate for a course must be included in the published section description at the time students register for the relevant semester and. This includes details regarding the required completion of the CCA Student Travel Emergency Contact Information and Release Form along with any expenses students will incur, ensuring they are fully aware and prepared to meet all expectations for the associated travel. Copies of all completed student forms must be provided to the Provost at least two weeks prior to travel. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in one or more of the following actions: Program or Divisional suspension of student travel, student restrictions from participating in future college travel, student disciplinary action in accordance with college policies, employee disciplinary action in accordance with college policies.

Student Travel Proposal Guidelines for an Undergraduate or Graduate Course Section

Any instructor that would like to propose a required or optional student travel component be included in their course section, must submit the request to their Chair by the end of August for any Spring semester offerings and the end of December for Summer (excluding Study Abroad) or Fall semester offerings. Proposals must include how the travel directly supports the learning outcomes of the class, a detailed itinerary of the entire trip--including estimated costs for transportation, lodging and additional trip expenses--along with how expenses will be covered by either their program, individual students and/or additional funding sources. Chairs must review and provide support for the proposal along with their Dean before submitting to the Provost Office for the final review and decision by the end of September for any Spring semester offerings and the end of January for Summer or Fall semester offerings. Additional compensation is not applicable for any approved proposal. Preparation time for and duration of the travel is considered part of the contracted course line.

Student Travel for an Undergraduate or Graduate Program

Any Chair that would like to propose student travel for their program, must submit the request to their Dean by the end of August for the Spring semester and the end of December for the Summer (excluding Study Abroad) or Fall semesters. Proposals must include how the travel directly supports the program learning outcomes or the academic or professional advancement of their students, a detailed itinerary of the entire trip--including estimated costs for transportation, lodging and additional trip expenses--along with how expenses will be covered by either their program, individual students and/or additional funding sources. Deans must review and provide support for the proposal before submitting to the Provost Office for the final review and decision by the end of September for the Spring semester and the end of January the Summer or Fall semesters. Additional compensation is not applicable for any approved proposals. Preparation time for and duration of the travel is considered part of the contracted Chair contract.

Does your activity require additional paperwork?

Use the chart below to determine if your planned off-campus activity requires additional paperwork.

Is participation in the field trip part of regular course activities?

No form needed

Is the field trip a voluntary off-campus College activity or event?

Fill out form

Will the instructor use own vehicle to transport students?*

Fill out form

*If yes, per the CCA Off-Campus Activity Transport Policy, copies of the faculty’s DMV driving record, proof of insurance card, and vehicle registration are required along with this form (if using a rental vehicle, please provide a copy of the rental agreement in lieu of vehicle registration). If not, only this form needs to be completed.