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Ranked Faculty Service

Last updated on Aug 23, 2024

Committee service and other service to the college is required for all ranked faculty. Service expectations are commensurate with teaching lines. For example, full-time faculty are expected to provide more service than part-time faculty, and a faculty member with an average course load of three lines per year is not expected to provide as much service as one with a five-line appointment. Faculty service constitutes 22% of the annualized evaluation of each ranked faculty member.

All ranked faculty are expected to meet with their chair to discuss service opportunities and load on an annual basis. Service opportunities should be discussed between faculty and program chair or dean in advance of undertaking tasks or assignments.

Paid coordinatorships, stipended work, or any work related specifically to a faculty member’s instructional duties (e.g. syllabus creation/revision, participation in assessment work, attendance at program/division/senate faculty meetings, etc.) are not considered service, and are part of a ranked faculty’s regular work expectations.

Service Opportunities

This is a preliminary guide to college-wide service and some other division- or program-wide opportunities that are standard across the college. This is not an exhaustive resource - additional service opportunities may exist.

Faculty should refer to their program chair for information about program-specific service opportunities, and to their dean for additional division-specific service opportunities.

If you are interested in participating in any of these opportunities, please meet with your chair to discuss them.






Executive Committee

College wide

11 total:
Vice President
9 members

Regular faculty senate members

Members serve 3 year terms. Nominations for new members are solicited every spring.

Curriculum Committee

College wide

9 members including chair

Regular faculty senate members

Members serve 3 year terms. Nominations for new members are solicited every spring.

Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee

College wide

9 - 10 members including chair(s)

Members must have taught at CCA for 7 years or more

Members serve 3 year terms. Nominations for new members are solicited every spring.

DEIB Community Forum

College wide

3 faculty

Ranked Faculty Search Committee

College wide

6 members including a chair

Varies by year. Contact your divisional dean at the end of the spring term if you are interested in participating in a search the following academic year.

Tenure-track mentorship

College wide


Must be tenured faculty

Graduate admissions committee

College wide


Contact graduate program chairs for more information.

Faculty of Color Alliance (FOCA)

College wide

No limit

Open to all

Initial Review Committee member

College wide

4 members per IRC
2018-19: 88 faculty IRC member openings

Specific eligibility rules apply based on level of review (see Details).

Pretenure IRC: Members must have completed pretenure review or be Associate Professors
Tenure IRC: Members must be tenured or Associate Professors
Associate Professor (RNT) IRC: Members must be Associate Professors
Professor IRC: Members must be Professors

Contact your dean at the end of the spring term if you are interested in serving on an IRC in the upcoming Academic Year. IRC members review a candidate's file, attend an IRC meeting which includes a presentation by the candidate and a discussion with other IRC members, and submit a letter of recommendation to the dean based on the IRC meeting.

External Program Review Committee (xPRC)

College wide

4 faculty during pilot year (2019-20)

Organized in collaboration with the Associate Provost for Educational Effectiveness.

First Year Review

College wide

3 faculty per panel
Spring 2018: 141 openings
(47 three-hour panels with 3 faculty slots each)

Commencement Exhibition Curator

College wide

2 members per division, 8 members total

Selected by Director of Exhibitions in collaboration with divisional deans. Contact your dean at the end of the spring term if you are interested in participating the upcoming academic year.

Faculty Grant juror

College wide

4 jurors
1 opening for 2018-19

Task forces

College wide

Varies: typically 4 - 5 active task forces per year, with 3 - 5 members each

Past examples:
First Year Program
Workday Student

Leading pedagogy workshop

College wide


Assisting with faculty orientation

College wide


Staff or administrative search committee

College wide


Course substitution

Program wide


Coverage of a class meeting session as a substitute. Contact your program chair to let then know if you are interested and what your availability is.

Job Expectations

The following are expectations of all ranked faculty and are not considered service:

  • Attending commencement
  • Attending faculty weeks (fall and spring)
  • Attending faculty senate meetings
  • Attending faculty meetings at the program or divisional level
  • Attending faculty meetings called by the Provost or President's office
  • Attending opening receptions, open studios, lectures, or other events

Please refer to the faculty position descriptions for additional instructional-related work that is considered a job expectation and not service.

As a general rule, any event or meeting which faculty attend is not considered service. For example, attending a public panel discussion organized by your program is not service. Acting as a panel member or moderator is.