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CCA Residential Community Standards and Policies

Last updated on Aug 31, 2024


The college expects all students to abide by all federal, state and local laws regarding the use of alcohol. It is a violation of local; state and federal law and campus policy for persons under 21 years of age to purchase, possess or be under the influence of alcohol.

It is also a violation of the law and college policy for anyone of legal drinking age (21 or older) to supply, sell, or furnish alcohol to anyone under the age of 21.

See also Campus wide Alcohol policy. All violations of the Alcohol Policies both Residential and Campus will be referred to the Student Code of Conduct Process.

Neither possession (including open cans, bottles, cups, squeeze bottles, etc.) nor consumption of alcohol is allowed in any public area within the residence halls including kitchens, balconies or patios, hallways, lounges, studios, and community bathrooms.

Alcohol possession and consumption are not permitted outdoors on the adjacent property of the residence halls.

All CCA residential halls: Founders Hall, Blattner Hall

The college recognizes students who reside in these buildings or floors may be over the age of 21; thus, these students are legally allowed to consume alcoholic beverages.

This policy is designed to respect the right of these residents to choose to responsibly consume alcohol while maintaining a safe and academically conducive residential environment.

Only residential students 21 years of age and older may possess and consume alcoholic beverages. Alcohol may be possessed and consumed only in student rooms where all occupants are 21 years of age or older.

When consuming alcohol in student rooms or apartments, the room/apartment door must be closed and occupants must be in no violation of other policies.

Students should be aware of the legal liability inherent in supplying alcohol to anyone not of legal age as well as college policy and must not permit minors to consume alcohol on campus.

When bringing to the building or disposing of full and empty (recyclable) alcohol containers must be wrapped or contained in a bag or other packaging so the contents are not visible.

It is not acceptable to hide alcohol containers in pockets or under clothing such as coats and shirts. Alcohol bottles and containers may not be used as decorative items in residential rooms or apartments.

“Common source” distribution, defined as any individual or group of students sharing or supplying alcoholic beverages, is prohibited. Kegs, beer balls, party balls, and other common-source containers are prohibited in all residence halls.

Devices designed for the rapid consumption of alcohol (e.g., shot glasses, beer bongs, or funnels) are prohibited and subject to confiscation.

Rooms in which persons fewer than 21 years of age live are considered "dry" rooms. This includes rooms that are shared by under-aged students with students who are 21 years of age or older.

Alcohol and alcohol-related paraphernalia is prohibited in all “dry” rooms. No person fewer than 21 years of age may possess, consume, or be in the presence of alcoholic beverages and alcohol beverage containers in their room (including decorative collections).

Violations of the alcohol policy in any residential community is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and will result in disciplinary action when any of the following take place:

  • The possession or consumption, or both, of alcoholic beverages occur(s) in any public area within college housing.
  • The possession or consumption, or both, of alcoholic beverages occur(s) by residents and their guests who are not of legal age.
  • The possession consumption, or both, of alcoholic beverages results in the violation of other Residential Education policies.
  • Underage residents or guests in the presence of alcoholic beverages.                  
  • The alcohol policy is violated.

Disciplinary sanctions will range from disciplinary warning to removal from housing and upto disciplinary dismissal from the College, depending on the severity of the policy violation. See Student Code of Conduct for more information.


To prevent incidents in which students avoid seeking necessary help for themselves or others, CCA has adopted the following Amnesty Policy:

If a student seeks medical attention or staff assistance due to a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the discrimination, harassment and retaliation, or sexual misconduct policies (particularly nonconsensual sexual contact or non consensual sexual intercourse) that was experienced under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the college will not pursue conduct actions against the student for violations of either the alcohol or drug policies.

Additionally, those students who assist in obtaining medical attention or staff assistance for someone due to a violation of these policies that was experienced under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or who cooperate with a related investigation or hearing, will not receive student conduct sanctions for violations of either the alcohol or drug policies.

The Amnesty Policy does not preclude student conduct sanctions due to any other violations of the Student Code of Conduct unrelated to substance use.

Automobiles, motorcycles, mopeds & scooters

Residents are not permitted to own or possess an automobile for use at CCA while residing in CCA First-Year Community housing (Founders Hall).

This includes parking any vehicle on campus or in the neighborhood surrounding the campus. Students living in Continuing-Student Communities such as Blattner Hall may have vehicles at their own discretion and cost.

The college does not provide designated student parking lots and assumes no responsibility for students’ vehicles.

Balconies, Courtyards, & Rooftops

Balconies (or patio) & courtyards are to be used only by residents, their guests, and visitors who have direct access (via a door) to them.

Balconies & courtyards are considered part of the residence hall. Balconies (or patio) & courtyards will be closed and cleared if inappropriate behavior (e.g., yelling or other violations of the quiet-hours policy, throwing anything off of, spitting off of, possessing or consuming alcohol, overcrowding, smoking) is displayed by residents, their guests, or visitors.

For health and safety reasons, barbecuing, furniture, and other personal belongings (e.g., clotheslines, art projects) are neither permitted on balconies, nor can anything be hung from the rails or be displayed on the balconies (or patio).

Residential students are not permitted on the rooftop of any of the residential buildings at any given time. Rooftops are only for maintenance and emergency professionals.

Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include restricted access for the remainder of the semester or academic year.


Barbecuing is prohibited in the residence rooms, on balconies, and outside of all college housing buildings without expressed written permission of the Office of Residential Education.

Blattner Hall has a single grill for student use. Please follow all rules around the utilization of the grill as they are posted by the building management. Resident MUST sign a waiver form through CMP for information or questions contact with the subject: BLATTNER GRILL USE.

Flammable liquids of any kind are also prohibited.

Barbecuing is permitted in designated safe areas on campus with the approval of the CMP and the Office of Campus Life. Flammable liquids, such as lighter fluid, gasoline, propane, and kerosene are not permitted within 25 feet of college housing.

Students violating this policy may face disciplinary action.

Bicycles & recreational-wheeled devices

  • Bicycles (including unicycles, motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters) are not allowed in the living spaces of the residence halls.
  • All bicycles should be parked in designated bike parking areas (Founders & Blattner bike rooms)
  • Bicycles may not be parked or stored in residential rooms, lounges, walkways, hallways, stairways, or along railings or entryways. Illegally parked bicycles will be impounded at the campus Public Safety Office.
  • Hoverboards or other recreational, motorized devices are prohibited from the residence halls. These items may not be stored or charged anywhere in the residence halls.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to purchase renter’s insurance and strong locks and learn how to secure their bikes in a manner to discourage theft.
  • The use of bicycles and other recreational wheeled devices (including, but not limited to unicycles, skateboards, kick scooters, roller skates, or in-line skates) is prohibited anywhere inside the residence halls, including stairwell towers and interior courtyards. Persons may use these devices on walkways adjacent to the residence halls for transportation only (i.e., no acrobatics) and with due regard for pedestrian rights.

Live On Campus Residency Requirement

CCA is committed to supporting the success of our students. Research consistently demonstrates that students who live on campus have higher rates of retention and graduation than students who live off campus. Please read carefully the Live On Residency Policy which applies to all First and Second year students, as well as incoming Transfer students.

Community bathrooms/Bathrooms

Community Bathrooms located in the lobby of residence halls are for the use of building residents, staff, visitors, and guests. These are NOT public restrooms.

Students should take care to not leave personal belongings behind or unattended in the community bathrooms. Students, their guests, and visitors will be subject to disciplinary action for violations of this policy.

Never flush any item down a toilet other than human waste and toilet paper. Flushing other objects down the toilet can lead to sewage backup this includes all feminine hygiene products, “flushable” wipes,f and any food, grease, ect.

Computing in the residence halls

The Residence Halls (Founder and Blattner) have complete 802.11n wireless coverage. For questions on your individual room, please contact Technology Services.

Tampering, destroying, or removing technology-related equipment in any residence halls is prohibited. Anyone found to be responsible for violation of this policy may also incur fines to replace equipment.

See also Technology Services usage policies and reporting related issues, and Wireless Network access points

Cooperation & compliance with staff

A college staff member is defined as any college employee including all Residential Education staff. Residential Education staff members and Public Safety Officers are authorized to make reasonable requests of or give directions to, or both, residents and other students while performing their duties.

Failure to comply with the reasonable directions of college officials, law enforcement units, and emergency personnel acting in performance of their duties is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

This also includes failure to identify oneself to such persons when requested.

Residents and guests are required to comply or cooperate with any college staff member’s reasonable requests or directions. These requests or directions may include providing identification, evacuating a room or building, discontinuing behavior that violates policy, or assisting in the confiscation or disposal of prohibited items.

Students are required to schedule or maintain appointments with staff members when asked to do so in conjunction with the staff members’ duties.

All students must carry their CCA ID card with them at all times. Residents and their guests must present proper identification when requested to do so by identified Residential Education staff members, college Public Safety officers, or other college officials upon request.

Failure to cooperate or comply will be viewed as a violation of this policy and result in disciplinary action. Any behavior viewed as interfering with a college staff member while in the performance of that person’s duty also may result in disciplinary action. 

Violations of this policy may also be referred to the Student Code of Conduct Process under the Campus policy of Failure to comply with the reasonable directions of college officials, law enforcement units, and emergency personnel acting in the performance of their duties. This also includes failure to identify oneself to such persons when requested.

Destroying, damaging, or tampering with property

  • The willful destruction, tampering, or damage of college property or personal property is prohibited. Misuse of college property or personal property or behavior, or both, that results in excessive cleaning will be viewed as a violation of this policy.
  • Marking directly on walls and other college property is considered vandalism and is not permitted anywhere.
  • Publicity items created by staff members including, but not limited to, bulletin boards, materials on bulletin boards, and signage are included in this category.
  • Residents can be held responsible for damages to college housing property, which have been incurred by them or their guests in an individual room, on the floor, in the building, or any public area within the residence halls.
  • Such behavior may result in service charges or assessment, or both, of repair and replacement costs to individual residents, floor, or building members, along with disciplinary or legal action, or both.

Violations of this policy may also be referred to the Student Code of Conduct Process under the Campus Policy of Attempted or actual theft of or damage to college property or property of college community members.

Disorderly conduct

The residence halls are shared living spaces and it is each resident’s responsibility to help maintain a safe and positive living environment. Conduct that disrupts the normal functioning of residents or staff members, threatens the health and welfare of a community member, or endangers personal or college property will not be tolerated.

Residents engaging in disruptive behavior (e.g., physical abuse, fighting, uncontrolled horseplay, destruction of property, food/water fights, sports in hallways, throwing or dropping objects from windows or balconies, tampering with elevators, skateboarding in the halls) that could endanger their own health and safety or that of other residents and guests, or both, will be subject to severe disciplinary action that could include immediate removal from the Residence Halls or the college.

Any behavior toward staff, including gestures or swearing, that is directed at or in the presence of staff members and is meant to intimidate or be combative while in the performance of their duties is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action that may include immediate removal from college housing. 

Violations of this policy may also be referred to the Student Code of Conduct Process under the Campus Policy of Conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any member of the college community including physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, verbal or nonverbal intimidation, bullying, stalking, or coercion.


To promote an environment of artistic and academic excellence, CCA complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act Final Regulations of 1990.

The college has a standard of conduct that prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on college property or as a part of college activities.

All violations of the Drug Policies both Residential and Campus will be referred to the Student Code of Conduct Process. The college will impose disciplinary sanctions on students up to and including disciplinary dismissal.

Learn more about CCA’s Drug-Free Policy >>

Medical marijuana

CCA and Residential Education does not permit the use of marijuana for any purpose in the residence halls or any adjacent property even if the use meets the qualifications of the California Compassionate Use Act, Proposition 215.

Therefore, even students who qualify under Proposition 215 to use marijuana for medical purposes are not permitted to possess, store, provide, or use the marijuana or associated utensils on college-owned or controlled property (including but not limited to residence halls, academic buildings, and parking lots), or during a college-sanctioned activity regardless of the location but such students are not in violation for lawful use that occurs not on college-owned or controlled premises.

All violations of the Drug Policies both Residential and Campus will be referred to the Student Code of Conduct Process. The college will impose disciplinary sanctions on students up to and including disciplinary dismissal.

Drug violations

  • Use, possession, manufacturing, distribution, or sale of marijuana, heroin, narcotics, or any other controlled substance that is prohibited as defined by local, state, and federal law. Possession of, intentionally or recklessly inhaling or ingesting substances (including but not limited to bath salts, salvia, K2/spice, nitrous oxide, glue, paint) that will alter a student's mental state is also prohibited.
  • Use or being under the influence of illicit drugs at any time in any campus residential building or on the adjacent property around the residence halls is prohibited.
  • The attempted sale, distribution, or manufacture of any controlled substance, illegal drug, or drug paraphernalia, or both, on college property or at official college functions.
  • Use of a prescription drug if the prescription was not issued to the student, or the distribution or sale of a prescription drug to a person to whom the prescription was not originally issued.
  • Use or possession of drug related paraphernalia, equipment, products, or material that is used or intended for use in manufacturing, growing, harvesting, processing, using, storing, concealing, ingesting, inhaling, consuming, or distributing any drug or controlled substance, including but not limited to bongs, pipes, vaporizers, grinders, scales, hookahs (even for tobacco use).
  • Being present while others are using, in possession, or under the influence of illegal drugs.
  • Students hosting guests are responsible for their guests’ adherence to college drug policy.

All violations of the Drug Policies both Residential and Campus will be referred to the Student Code of Conduct Process. The college will impose disciplinary sanctions on students up to and including disciplinary dismissal.


  • Persons may not tamper with or ride on top of an elevator at any time.
  • Ringing the elevator bell or using the call box in nonemergency situations is prohibited.
  • Vandalizing the elevator equipment and surfaces (walls, lights, buttons, floor, etc.) is prohibited.
  • Ringing the elevator bell in non emergency situations is prohibited.

Firearms, weapons, fireworks & dangerous chemicals

  • Possession or use of weapons or ammunition is not permitted in the residence halls. This includes but is not limited to: firearms, rifles, stun guns, BB guns, paint-ball guns, bows and arrows, switchblades, knives (except typical use kitchen knives and small pocket knives), nunchucks, martial arts or medieval weapons, and slingshots.

    No exceptions to this policy are made for participation in special classes.

  • Possession, storage, or use of darts, toy guns or weapons, including, but not limited to replicas, ceremonial swords, water guns, “Nerf” or dart guns, particularly those which launch projectiles or resemble real weapons, or both, are not permitted.
  • Flammable liquids and solvents (gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, propane, etc.) may not be stored in resident rooms or living areas. All flammable art supplies should be stored and used in appropriate studio locations on campus. 

All violations of the Weapons Policies both Residential and Campus will be referred to the Student Code of Conduct Process. The college will impose disciplinary sanctions on students up to and including disciplinary dismissal.

Fire safety

Note: AC units or portable AC units are not allowed in either of the residential halls due to fire safety and hazards, overloading outlets and circuit breakers.

Fire prevention is of critical importance in a large community because so many lives can be endangered by accidents or careless actions.

The following regulations have been established for the safety of the residential community:

Immediate evacuation is required when an alarm sounds or emergency flashing lights have been activated or when instructed to do so by appropriate hall staff is mandatory, or any combination thereof.

Reentry into a building before receiving confirmation from appropriate hall staff, public safety, the fire department, or other emergency personnel is prohibited.

Reentry is not permitted while the alarm is sounding.

For safety reasons, using an elevator to evacuate a building is not permitted. For anyone using a wheelchair, move to the nearest stairwell and await assistance from emergency response personnel.

Cooking & Cooking Appliances
Persons should not leave their food items unattended on the stove or in the oven at any time. Persons are responsible for the proper use of approved cooking appliances and attention to food items while using the appliances.

In Room, Kitchen/Kitchenette: Persons are allowed to use the following items in their room or kitchen areas: drip coffee makers, electric tea kettles, and convenience items such as blenders, mixers, can openers, and juicers that do not produce heat are also permitted.

In Kitchen/Kitchenettes Only: Persons are also allowed to use concealed crock pots, rice cookers, and instapots. A kitchen/kitchenette is defined as an area designated for cooking and is equipped with a sink, a countertop surface, and proper exhaust ventilation. This includes both Residential Halls, Blattner and Founders Hall, and the units located on the fifth floor at Founders Hall. RAs residing on Floors 1-4 within the Small Private studios designed for staff may also use these items.

All appliances are required to be on a level countertop surface or small metal table and should be Underwriters Laboratories approved.

Heat-producing items, including but not limited to the following, are not permitted: Toasters, toaster ovens, electric hamburger cookers, air-fryers, waffle irons, ceramic sealed hot plates, hot plates with exposed coils, deep fryers, and countertop electric grills without flames (e.g., “George Foreman ” grills.)

If you are unsure whether or not an appliance is allowed, please contact your building REC.

Candles & incense
Possession or use of all candles and incense for any purpose is prohibited in the residence halls. Igniting any objects of any kind, that has open embers or flames or emits embers, flames or smoke are not allowed in the residential halls."

Extension cords / multi-plug adaptors
For the protection of the residential community, residents are permitted to use extension cords with the following restrictions:

  • Only UL-certified (Underwriters Laboratories) three-prong grounded extension cords are permitted to be possessed and used inside the residence halls.
  • Only UL-certified (Underwriters Laboratories) multiplug adapters with circuit breakers are permitted to be possessed and used inside the residence halls.


Strands of lights (holiday lights) may be used in residence hall rooms, but are to be limited to no more than three (3) strands plugged into each other.

No flags, banners, or other cloth/flammable decorations are to be hung on or from the ceiling.

Halogen lamps

All floor halogen lamps are prohibited in residence halls. Halogen lamps specifically designed and marketed as desk lamps that have a bulb that is fully unexposed behind a solid glass casing that is unable to be tampered with and is at 50 watts or fewer are acceptable.

Only UL-approved (Underwriter’s Laboratories) lamps can be used in the residence halls.


Residents are not permitted to hang items from, cover, or otherwise tamper with fire sprinkler devices.

Fire-safety equipment

Tampering with the fire alarms, smoke detectors, extinguishers, hoses, exit signs, instruction signs, or other equipment is prohibited.


All college-owned furniture assigned to student rooms and apartments must remain in the room and apartment. No college-owned furniture is to be removed from rooms by students. Residents may be billed for leaving furniture in hallways.

Residents may not disassemble any college-owned furniture, including beds, mattresses, desks, desk chairs, refrigerator units, dressers, sinks, closet doors, and light fixtures. This includes unlofting or unbunking student beds.

All furniture has been set up by the facilities department in a way that provides for ease of egress in an emergency and follows fire codes for the state of California. All furniture must be returned within the room to its rightful place at student move out and furniture may not block any entrance or exit, windows or be placed in front of any heater or heat source.

No college-owned furniture is to be removed from floor lounges or other public areas.

Waterbeds and other water-filled furniture are not allowed in any college housing.

Each residential room or apartment is provided with an approved refrigerator unit.

Students are limited to the use of that one CCA-provided refrigerator unit per residential room.

No furniture is to be removed from floor lounges or other public areas.

Obstruction of common areas

Exits, hallways, stairwells, fire lanes, and fire escapes may not be blocked in any fashion. Items left in these areas will be removed if they present a fire hazard.

Common areas may not be used for personal storage. Personal items must be kept in student rooms. The college is not responsible for items left in common areas.

Bicycles must be parked either outside of the building or in designated bike storage areas. Folding bicycles are allowed to be stored in residents' rooms as long as the bicycle can be stored out of the path to exit the room in the event of an emergency.

See the Bicycles & other recreational-wheeled devices


CCA has a no pets policy, including the residential halls.

A pet is defined as any animal that is kept as a companion.

  • For health and safety reasons, no pets, except aquarium dwelling, nonhazardous, tropical fish in a tank of no more than five (5) gallons are permitted in any residence hall. Fish owners must also have the full consent of their roommate(s).
  • Residents are responsible for the proper care and cleanliness of their fish aquarium.
  • All unapproved pets or animals are prohibited regardless of length of stay or visit.
  • During holiday breaks and intersection periods, all aquariums and fish must be taken with the student. Residential Education is not responsible for any aquarium and fish that is left within a room.

Note: Exceptions to this policy for certified service animals or emotional support animals must be made in advance and in conjunction with an official request for accommodation made to the Dean of Students for Access and Disability Services by emailing

Policy prohibiting sexual misconduct, discrimination, unlawful harassment & retaliation

Any students committing behaviors found violating CCA’s Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Unlawful Harassment & Retaliation will be referred to the campus student code of conduct process.

The college will impose disciplinary sanctions on students up to and including disciplinary dismissal.

Quiet hours & courtesy hours

In order to be successful and healthy, residents need to be able to get an adequate amount of quiet time to sleep, study, and create as needed. Quiet Hours and Courtesy Hours have been established with input from residents to ensure an acceptable amount of time each week to achieve these goals.

During Quiet Hours residents are expected to monitor and control their noise levels. Most violations of Quiet Hours involve loud music or talking, social gatherings of four or more persons in a single room, unattended alarms, public disturbances, and other excessive noise that may disturb residents who are trying to sleep or study.

Please be considerate of your neighbors in this respect.

Concurrent with this policy:

Courtesy Hours
: Courtesy hours are in effect at all times; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Noise originating anywhere on one floor should not be audible within another floor, within the building, or outside. During courtesy hours a resident may ask another resident to reduce the noise.

Quiet Hours: During the established quiet hours, noise (including, but not limited to music, voices, laughter) coming from a student’s room, lounges or bathrooms must not be audible within the adjacent rooms of other students or within another floor/section or building. Students must also keep noise in the hallways to a minimum. Office of Residential Education staff will confront violations with or without a complaint from another student.

Quiet hours are as follows: Sunday-Thursday 11 p.m. – 8 a.m; Friday-Saturday 1-9 a.m.

Extended Quiet Hours: The final week of each semester is an intense and stressful time for CCA students. Extended Quiet Hours begin the Sunday night before finals and continue until the completion of finals week.

Signs will be posted reminding residents of these extended Quiet Hours the week prior.

Due to the proximity of rooms and apartments, no amplified music is allowed at any time. Amplified music includes electric instruments (guitars, keyboards, etc.), amplifiers, loud speakers, subwoofers, etc.

Such items are subject to confiscation by Residential Education staff, but will be returned to owners upon move-out of the Residence Halls after completion of their checkout appointment. The Office of Residential Education assumes no liability for the condition of confiscated items.

Room & public area decorating

Residents are encouraged to personalize their rooms and decorate public areas within established guidelines. Residents should seek the advice of staff members before beginning to personalize their rooms.

  • Residents are not permitted to make structural changes to any part of the residence hall.
  • Students are prohibited fro m painting residence hall rooms or common areas. This includes murals and writing on the walls.
  • Common areas may not be used for personal storage
  • Light fixtures, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and sprinkler heads may not be decorated nor tampered with in any way.
  • No lofts are permitted in rooms except for college-provided loft/bunk beds. Placing beds on or over desks, dressers, window sills, radiators, etc., is prohibited except for college-provided lofts.
  • No decorations may be placed so as to obstruct access to halls, stairwells or exits.
  • For fire safety purposes, no fabric (flags, tapestries, rugs, blankets, etc.) may be hung from ceilings or draped on walls.
  • Standing/ placing any kind of object on or outside window sills is prohibited.
  • No alcohol signs, cans, bottles, neon signs, posters, aluminum foil, solicitation, personal messages, or other materials may be displayed in or attached to room windows.
  • Hanging/mounting putty and painter’s tape may be used to hang pictures on walls. Residents may not use push pins, thumb tacks, nails, mounting squares, or scotch tape.
  • Miniature lights that are UL approved and do not generate noticeable heat are permissible in student rooms. They are not to be draped or wrapped in flammable materials such as paper or fabric nor strung from the ceiling or across the room from wall to wall (light strands should lay flat to the walls).
  • All decorations must be removed from public areas and floor corridors prior to semester breaks and winter closings.
  • Contact paper with adhesive backing, markers, crayons, chalk and spray paint are not allowed to be used for decorating.
  • Evacuation plans and signage on doors may not be removed or covered.

Room, floor/section & kitchen responsibility

  • Residents are responsible for the proper care of their room, kitchen, lounge, and bathroom. Individual residents must pay for any charges assessed for damages in their rooms.
  • Food waste should be properly disposed of and no food should be disposed of in bathroom or individual room sinks. Use kitchen sinks to wash dishes.
  • All residents using the community kitchens are responsible for cleaning the stoves, ovens, and maintaining a clean common space. Any food or personal items left out in the common areas will be considered abandoned and may be confiscated or disposed of.
  • All residents are responsible for floor damages (including but not limited to microwaves, televisions, exit signs, etc.) and will equally pay for charges assessed to the floor/section/house as appropriate.
  • Personal trash may not be left or disposed of in community areas (e.g., hallways, bathrooms, lounges, stairways, or out of windows). Personal trash is to be deposited appropriately in trash and recycling cans located throughout the building or in dumpsters. 
  • Each resident is responsible for properly disposing of garbage and boxes and not creating unnecessary messes in hallways, individual student rooms, lounges, kitchens, and bathrooms.

Room transfers

Residents may not change room assignments without receiving official authorization from the Housing Administration (


Building security and personal safety is a concern and responsibility for all residents. Residents must avoid taking actions that jeopardize building security and report security concerns and violations immediately to the Residential Education staff or Public Safety, or both.

It is also the responsibility of residents and that of their guests to comply with building security procedures and policies.

Failure to comply with posted or announced security regulations subject the offender to college disciplinary or administrative action, or both, including fines.

  • Residents must lock their doors when they are not in their rooms and must securely close and lock outside doors at all times. It is highly recommended that residents lock their room doors when sleeping or showering.
  • Residents may not prop open or allow any floor exit door or building exit door to be propped open. Residents may not allow people who are not their guests into the building in which they live.
  • No person will be permitted to enter a resident's room without the expressed consent of the residents who live in that room. The last part of this section does not prohibit Residential Education staff members and emergency personnel from entering rooms in conjunction with the performance of their duties as covered in the terms and conditions of the residence hall contract (agreement).
  • Residents may not borrow keys or key cards from each other or loan keys or key cards to anyone. Residents must return keys and key cards immediately upon checkout or reassignment and must report any lost or stolen keys and key cards.
  • Tampering with keys and key cards or card access is prohibited.
  • Residents are encouraged to purchase renter’s insurance or to check their homeowner’s policy for coverage while away at college.


Smoking is not permitted on campus, or around or inside campus residences, at any time. According to the state of California, the age requirement for the use of tobacco is 21. Use or possession of any tobacco or nicotine products, including E-Cigarettes or Vaporizers, will result in disciplinary action.

Smoking is defined as having a lit cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, pipes, hookahs, e-hookahs, smokeless tobacco, e-cigarettes, e-liquids, electronic smoking devices, vaporizers, vape tanks/mods, vape atomizer, vape pens, or other lighted device. etc in a building or within 20 feet of any door or window. 

Smoking is prohibited in all residence hall facilities including stairwell towers, balconies, landings, entryways, and near windows. Smoking is not permitted within 20 feet of all Residence Halls entryway.

Possession of marijuana in any form is strictly prohibited at CCA. This includes (and is not limited to) edibles, CBD hemp oils, and tinctures, even if you have a prescription for medical marijuana and if you do, you should discuss your alternatives with your healthcare provider in advance of your arrival on the CCA campus because you cannot bring it to campus or inside campus residences. If marijuana in any form is found in your possession, prescription or otherwise, immediate disciplinary action will be taken.

Smoke detectors, sprinkler heads & carbon monoxide detectors

Each student residence hall room/apartment comes equipped with a properly working smoke detector, sprinklers and carbon monoxide detector for their protection.

Tampering with or disabling these devices is prohibited. If the detectors or sprinklers in a room need to be serviced, students should file a facilities work-order request. 


Soliciting is defined as door-to-door selling, leafleting, and pamphleteering or verbal proselytizing. In order to maximize residents’ privacy and security, soliciting in residential areas is prohibited at all times. Students should contact a Residential Education staff member if they are approached by a solicitor.

Visitation & room guests

  • Residents are responsible for and can be held accountable for the behavior of their guests. Residents of a room may be held responsible for the behavior that takes place inside the room whether or not the residents are present. It is the resident’s responsibility to inform their guests of Residential Education and college policies.
  • For reasons of security and consideration, students must obtain their roommate’s consent prior to an overnight guest’s arrival.
  • All students must obtain the consent of the occupants of a room before entering another student's room.
  • All guests must be signed in with their host resident at all times, and must provide CCA their photo identification card
    • CCA residents or CCA non-residents checking in as guests must provide their CCA ID
    • External guests checking in must provide one of the following forms of documentation:
      • Military ID, Government issued ID, Driver's License, School ID, or Passport.
  • Residents must escort their guest(s) at all times. Residents who are not in the building are not to leave their guests unattended in the hall. Guests must be escorted into and upon exit from the building. Guests may not be left alone in a room they do not occupy or any space within the residential community.
  • Overnight guests may reside for a maximum of three (3) consecutive nights. This includes other CCA residential students who are not residents of the particular room or apartment they are visiting. Residents may only have overnight guests for a maximum of 15 nights each semester and any overnight guest is only allowed to stay for fifteen nights total in any semester. Overnight guests are defined as anyone who stays in a room they are not assigned to during the following hours: Sunday-Thursday 11 p.m. – 8 a.m; Friday-Saturday 1-9 a.m
  • All guests must be over the age of 18 years old, and any unaccompanied minors are not allowed in the residential halls or overnight stays.

The college holds the right to deny residential access to a guest or require any non-resident of the building to leave the community at any time.

Windows & window screens, objects from windows & restricted areas

  • Tampering with any part of the residence hall windows is prohibited.
  • Residents may not climb through windows.
  • Throwing, pouring, or dropping anything (including keys) from windows, balconies, ledges, or landings is strictly prohibited.
  • Persons are not permitted at any time to be on roofs/ledges or to place objects on these areas.
  • Climbing on any exterior building wall or similar structure is not permitted.
  • First floors residents must sign a waiver before moving into their unit.