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Work-Study Student Supervisor Resources

Last updated on Aug 15, 2024

Campus employment provides students with a number of benefits besides money to assist with expenses. Students also gain time-management skills, receive hands-on experience in their fields, and make valuable connections with faculty and staff across the campus. As a student supervisor, you contribute to student's success in their roles. Below are quick reminders when managing student workers. Please make sure to review the "Annual Student Supervisor" training based on the corresponding year, in Workday Learning for more information.

Student Eligibility to Work

  • As always, in order to be eligible for work study, students must meet the Student Employment Eligibility Requirements that have been established by the Financial Aid office.
  • Student workers must be able to complete the I-9 employment verification process managed by Human Resources. Please remember that it is your responsibility as a manager to ensure that a student worker has completed the I-9 employment verification process PRIOR to starting work.

International Students

  • Continuing F-1 international students who have an existing, unexpired I-9 form in Workday will likely continue to be eligible to work.
  • F-1 international students who are newly enrolled at CCA or continuing F-1 international students who have not worked at CCA in the past and are studying from outside the US will likely not have the documents they need to complete the I-9 process because they will not have a valid I-94 form.

International students on different visas may or may not have the required documentation to complete an I-9 form and can check with HR ( with any questions.

Job Descriptions

Student worker job descriptions are embedded in the job profile that is unique to each position. There are specific information that should be detailed in the job description, please reference the Annual Supervisor Training for more information.

Budgeting for Student Workers

Prior to creating a workstudy position, please ensure you have allocated funds budgeted. You can check this in Workday by searching "Work Study Payroll Budget vs Actuals Report".

New Minimum Wage: July 1, 2024

The minimum wage increased to $18.67 for hourly workers effective July 1, 2024. The new minimum is reflected in Workday when inputting the compensation grade and hourly rate for student workers. The hourly rate for Graduate Teaching Assistants is $24.00/hour.

Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO):

CCA complies with the requirements of the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance. To determine how HCSO impacts your student worker budget, multiply the anticipated number of hours x $3.51.

Workday Hiring Resources

Please reference Workday Learning videos for guides on creating student job requisitions and for the hiring process.

You can always check the status of the hire process by searching for your organization name (ending in - STU) and selecting the "Staffing Tab".

Important Highlights

When hiring students, supervisors must be aware of the following:

  • All workstudy jobs will be automatically assigned now to Institutional Work-study (IWS) funds for the object code.
  • Students are not recommended to work more than 20 hours per week during the academic year
  • International students are only eligible for IWS, and may only work a maximum of 20 hours per week
  • FWS recipients have priority in applying for on-campus student employment
  • A department or office must have a position posted for two weeks at the beginning of each semester before hiring an IWS student- this includes any continuing students you will rehire
  • You must complete the hire process in Workday before the student's anticipated start date, as initiating the hire in Workday is only the first step. The job will still require approvals from HR and/or Financial Aid and Employment Verification by the student.
  • Students will receive a notification in Workday to visit the HR Office and complete I-9 documentation. Students must complete the I-9 employment verification process before starting to work.

Frequently Asked Questions and Solutions

1.Issue or Question: Not updating the Hire or Effective date on the Hire business process (BP) (if you are using existing job reqs/positions to create new jobs). For student hires/add jobs, this can affect the Propose Compensation Hire step, since the hourly rate will default to an older minimum wage. For example: the old position had 5/21/24 as the earliest hire date, and the hiring manager didn’t update this on the Hire BP, so the hourly rate defaulted to $18.07/hour instead of $18.67/hour.

Solution: Please review the default data in the Hire or Add Job BP. You’ll want to ensure that the Hire or Add Job BP has the correct Hire Date or Effective Date (as well as First Day of Work and Continuous Service Date), correct Position, Location, and Scheduled Weekly Hours (this is important for Financial Aid approval). Make sure not to enter Work Shifts on the Hire or Add Job BP for students. Otherwise, HR will need to make corrections, which will slow the hiring process down.

2. Issue or Question: Receiving the “Hire in Process” error when submitting the Hire or Add Job BP. This means that another hiring manager has initiated a Hire or Add Job BP, which needs to be completed before another BP can begin.

Solution: To resolve the issue, please email HR then has to cancel the subsequent hiring manager’s BP and watch the initial one, then alert you when it’s complete so you can initiate yours.

3. Problem: If you are using existing job reqs/positions to create new jobs, not ending the job for the incumbent in the position, which causes an error during the Hire or Add Job BP (no positions available).

Solution: Please maintain accurate STU orgs. Please alert HR when students end their jobs, usually at the end of each semester, so that HR can end or term students who are no longer active in the hiring
manager’s org. Please review any inactive or old unfilled positions and ask HR to close them. These positions usually have old hire dates, default compensation, and other issues that can cause errors if not
updated during Hire or Add Job BPs.

4. Problem: If creating a new job req, not entering the number of available positions, which causes an error when trying to do a Hire or Add Job.

Solution: Please pay attention to how many students you need to fill a position and make sure you are entering the correct number of headcount you need in that requisition. Otherwise, to resolve, you will
need to create another new job req and add the correct number of available positions, then HR will copy the job applications over to the new job req and the hiring manager can hire from there. Workday does
not allow you to update the headcount on an existing requisition.

5. Problem: Students starting work before their Hire or Add Job BPs are complete (or before they’re actually hired for the position in Workday). This can have many negative implications, including the student having to wait to be paid retroactively for hours already worked and issues with Financial Aid approval, such as the student already working the maximum amount of hours. Additionally, if Financial Aid doesn’t approve the hire, HR has to create a temporary personnel job (which can cause further issues if temp funds aren’t available in the hiring manager’s student org).

Solution: Please make sure your students do not start working before they are authorized to do so in Workday. If you’re not sure, please email HR.

6. Problem: Not sure what is the process for a student worker returning to a position.

Solution: Please follow the hire/add jobs steps. The student will still need to apply to a open position.

7. Problem: HR is not able to approve a new job profile creation.

Solution: Please make sure to provide an end date in the job description.